St. Teresa of Jesus was very devoted to saying this prayer to the Holy Spirit. She did so particularly during a period of her life in which she was going through a profound interior conversion. It lead to experience a deep mystical presence of God within her soul. We read in her autobiography:
My confessor, [Fr. Juan de Pradanos, SJ], began to lead me to greater perfection. He told me that to please God completely I must leave nothing undone; he did so with such skill and gentleness because my soul still was not at all strong but very fragile, especially with regard to giving up some friendships I had. Although I was not offending God by them, I was very attached… He told me to commend the matter to God for some days and to recite the hymn Veni Creator.
One day, having spend a long time in prayer and begging the Lord to help me please Him in all things, I began the hymn; while saying it, a rapture came upon me so suddenly that it almost carried me out of myself. … It was the first time the Lord granted me this favor of rapture. I heard these words: “No longer do I want you to converse with men but with angels.” These words have been fulfilled, for I have never again been able to tie myself to any friendship.
Holy Spirit, Lord of light
From your pure celestial height,
Your pure beaming radiance give.
Come, Father of the poor,
Come, with treasures that endure,
Come, you light of all who live!
You, of all consolers best,
Visiting the troubled breast,
Most refreshing peace bestow;
You in toil are comfort sweet,
Pleasant coolness in the heat,
Solace in the midst of woe.
Light immortal, light divine!
Visit now this heart of mine
and my inmost being fill.
When you take your grace away,
Nothing pure in man will stay,
All our good is turned to ill.
Heal our wounds— our strength renew
on our dryness pour your dew,
Wash the stains of guilt away.
Bend the stubborn heart and will,
Melt the frozen, warm the chill,
Guide the steps that go astray.
Grant to us who evermore
You confess and you adore,
Your sacred sevenfold gift.
Give us comfort when we die;
Give us life with You on high
Give us joys that never end. AMEN.
“No longer do I want you to converse with men but with angels.”